Register for School

U.S. law requires children five and older to attend school full-time until the end of the school year in which they turn 16. Parents and guardians may put thier own legal status at risk if children are not registered and attending school.

Below is information on how to register in the Kingston City Schools. If you are not sure of your school district or have other questions, call UIDN’s helpline, 888-726-7276.

Here is a list (in Spanish) of paperwork typically needed to register a student at any area school.

Most kids will need a health check and vaccines before starting school, childcare, or other programs. The Institute for Family Health and Sun River provide care in multiple languages regardless of ability to pay; any charges are on a sliding scale. Both have offices in Kingston, New Paltz, and other towns.

The Ulster County Department of Health also provides free vaccines. Call 845-340-3070 for details or to make an appointment.


Enrolling in Kingston

Beginning in February 2024 a bilingual registrar will be available Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. to  1 p.m., at the district office, 21 Wynkoop Street, Kingston, to help families fill out forms.

What to bring. Families should bring as many of the following as possible for each child: birth certificate, photo ID, parent ID, vaccination cards from the country of origin and the U.S., and a proof of current address.

Even if  no documents are available, children should be enrolled —  the registrar will help figure it out. If there are no vaccination records, future appointments can be made, and children should still be registered.

Outside school

  • Affordable day and after school care and summer programs.
  • Find food for kids when schools are closed, here or here.
  • Get help with health care. UIDN director and CAB member Marylen Irizarry-Moyer (845-372-3233) helps families get medical insurance for kids. She also will alert UIDN’s health committee of UIDN of any medical needs.